Discharge Surveys

The discharge survey is a vital tool for senior living providers. It allows you to gather information about patient satisfaction, which helps you improve services and products. You can use our discharge surveys to get feedback on how well your facilities are performing, so you can identify areas where improvements need to be made.

Discharge Surveys for Short Stays

Discharge surveys help you improve discharge quality, increase referrals, and stay compliant. We make discharge surveys simple: Create a survey, get feedback, and use the data to improve your quality assurance programs.

  • Quality programs: get real-time feedback for what's working and where improvements are needed.
  • Referral source marketing: highlight good scores and testimonials for more referrals.
  • Compliance: stay alert to errors and incidents.

Discharge Surveys offer real-time feedback for quality assurance programs and a new way to find out what your residents think.

Survey Question

A discharge survey is designed to measure a patient's satisfaction with the care they received during their stay and identify any areas of improvement. Our surveys are customizable, allowing you to add questions that matter most to your organization.

Discharge Surveys & CoreQ

CoreQ is a set of survey questions designed to help healthcare organizations measure patient experience and quality of care (learn more here). It is intended to capture short-term and long-term resident and family experiences. CoreQ was developed through a collaborative process involving consumers, providers, researchers, and industry experts. The questions were validated using a rigorous scientific approach and are now endorsed by the National Quality Forum. Although it is not required yet, several states have already adopted CoreQ for Medicaid quality incentives and it is highly anticipated that CMS will make it a requirement in the near future. With that in mind, Activated Insights has proactively become a CoreQ-compliant vendor and we can partner with you to incorporate CoreQ into your discharge survey process.

Discharge survey

We want to make your quality assurance program the best it can be. Get feedback on discharge surveys, use marketing to highlight good scores and testimonials, and measure compliance with CoreQ.

Resident satisfaction survey for skilled nursing

A Validated Way to Measure Satisfaction

Since CoreQ isn't a requirement yet, you can choose to do nothing now and wait for it to become mandatory. But there are some key benefits to adding CoreQ to your current discharge survey now:

  • Preemptively know how you score before these figures go public.
  • Give your organization time to improve your scores if they're below average or not where you want them to be.
  • Share these results with referral partners and prospective customers when CoreQ becomes the standard for all SNFs who provide care - not just those who offer nursing home services.

Learn more about CoreQ here.

Get Your CoreQ Baselines Now

  • Be prepared: survey with CoreQ to be compliant to soon-to-be CMS quality reporting requirements.
  • Get baselines to improve: get your overall CoreQ scores and areas for improvement.
  • Avoid penalties: avoid future CMS penalties for missing quality reporting program (QRP) rules.