Working at Therapy Management Corporation (TMC)

Therapy Management Corporation (TMC)

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Feb 2024 - Feb 2025

Employees say this is a great place work


About the Company
TMC is a unique and privately-owned, nationwide contract therapy company, providing physical, occupation, and speech therapy services. TMC provides services throughout the United States in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Life Plan Communities (CCRCs), Assisted Living Communities, Independent Living Communities, Out-patient Clinics, and other settings. TMC strives to be the preferred therapy provider and employer in all communities we serve. We deliver compassionate, superior care to all. Our foundation is built on service excellence and engaged team members.

Certification Map

Homosassa, Florida, US

Year Founded

Number of Locations
250 Locations
3 States

Majority Type of Care
Senior Housing & Care


Social Media

Company Culture

The Employee Experience
The employee experience below at Therapy Management Corporation (TMC), compared to an overall Great Place to Work statement for a typical US-based company.

82% of employees at Therapy Management Corporation (TMC) say it is a great place to work
compared to 57% of employees at a typical US-based company.

Benchmark: Typical US-based Company *See source


This is a physically safe place to work.


Our customers would rate the service we deliver as "excellent."


When you join the company, you are made to feel welcome.


When I look at what we accomplish, I feel a sense of pride.


People care about each other here.

What Employees are Saying

See what employees say about what makes Therapy Management Corporation (TMC) a great workplace. These words are drawn from employee comments on the Trust Index™ survey.

Employee Demographics

The Employee Demographics & Tenure
The tenure breakdown at Therapy Management Corporation (TMC).


Why Work Here?
The TMC Culture! It is evident when being around the team there is a sense of belonging and camaraderie. TMC lives out their CORE VALUES of Innovation, Integrity, Service Excellence to All, Giving of Time, Talen, and Treasures.



To make a positive difference in the lives of everyone we serve.



  • 401k
  • Tuition reimbursement

Life at Therapy Management Corporation (TMC)

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